Monday, July 9, 2012


My team went location scouting for our short film today. While the writers and art directors stayed behind to work on the script breakdown and props, I went out with Kelsey, Aaron, Fasil and Siraj to find a soccer field and a house, which are thankfully the only two locations we need.

We couldn't get a taxi to the first location, so we walked two miles to a Christian orphanage that had a soccer field. We're not sure if we'll use it yet; we talked to the director about a price, but we won't know until tomorrow. The orphanage was very nice; it was more like a self-sustaining village than anything else.

Afterwards we got a taxi to Meganagne, then hopped on my first public bus to get to the house of Siraj's best friend. It was an extremely nice house; three stories, marble staircase, kitchen with cheerful yellow cabinets - so strange to see in the middle of a neighborhood with muddy roads and broken down buildings. Siraj invited us to a coffee ceremony at his house afterwards, and his friend offered to drive us since it was raining.

His house was smaller, but he had the most beautiful children I've ever seen: a little girl who showed us all the A's she got in first grade, a smaller boy who never stopped dancing, and a newborn boy with enormous eyes. They served us popcorn that had sugar crystals sprinkled over it when it was hot, and small cups of coffee - incredibly delicious coffee, I might add.

Siraj's friend, who was so gracious and kind to us, drove us all the way back to our hotel just in time for me to catch up with the girls going out for women's night. We went to a Chinese restaurant by the stadium and ate the BEST spring rolls I've ever eaten, which made me happy because all I had for lunch was peanut butter and crackers. I was especially happy to have two good dinners in a row, because last night was Mexican night at the STINT house. They asked for two of the girls to volunteer to go early and help cook, so Lauren (my roomie) and I had an adventure catching a taxi all by ourselves and getting all the way to Gerji. (We ended up walking halfway.) I had SO much fun cooking though; I made the guacamole, and helped Lauren with the rice. Everyone was ridiculously excited when they found out we had avocados and fajitas; you can tell we're all missing food from home.

I'm starting to be able to decipher the taxi driver lingo. When they're going to the stadium, they shout something that sounds like "cheddum, cheddum!" And when they're going to Gerchoula, they just say, "Chouda, chouda!" The best one is when they're going to Bole, and it sounds like they're saying "Booty booty booty!"

Our short film team seems to be the only one that is getting along - the other two teams are having problems with being unified and getting everyone to do their job and their job only. I'm praying very hard for them, and I'm sure they would appreciate more prayer; two of my friends are directors, and they're getting pretty stressed out. We have until Thursday to find locations, actors, props, get our script finalized, and be done with all the rest of preproduction, and then we film all day Friday and Saturday.

I'm finally nearly through being sick - thanks to everyone for your prayers and comments, they mean so much to me! We're visiting an orphanage tomorrow, possibly the same one I went to today, and I am ridiculously excited.


  1. So relieved to know you are feeling better. Hope all the others are too. Looks like you are certainly getting your exercise!
    How exciting that you are finally gearing up for the first film! May it all be Spirit-led from script to finish.

  2. I just found your blog and have read every entry and look forward to more. I am a wee bit jealous (actually a lot), when I read about your time with the children and the students. 1) I've always wanted to go to Africa and 2) Nothing makes me happier than loving on kids who need it badly and telling hungry people about Jesus. But this is not about me, it's about you. I'm so proud of you for taking this chance and being so lionhearted! Real living versus existing. I can so relate to the attacks in your soul and the doubts. That is where the true battle is, as we do not wrestle with flesh and blood. I will pray for relief from these attacks and for you to stand firm in your faith with your armor on at all times, as you take captive every thought that comes from the enemy. You are not alone, though you may feel lonely at times, your church family is holding you up. The battle is the Lord's. Enjoy the victory. And hug those babies for me as I live vicariously through you. Love you, Barbara E.

  3. Wow, Lauren! What an amazing story! Like Barbara, I've just found your blog and read it all. We are praying for you.
    Many blessings,
    Eddie & Christy
    p.s. Taylor is heading off to work, and asks that you "have lots of fun, don't drink the water, and bring back some cool pictures" --- I'm thinking that you'll bring back a LOT more than cool pictures. May that LOT always be highly contagious.

  4. I just love reading everything you write! I am so glad you are getting better! Random fact that may amuse you: I was listening to the Lion King soundtrack whilst reading this post. Made things even more dramatic, haha. Miss, love, and think of you everyday! Praying things continue to go well for you!

  5. Lauren, what an awesome undertaking to go on this adventure for God. I will be praying for you that all your crews come together in unity and spirit to capture the heart of the people and the beauty and reality of the land. Michael, our son. just returned from 5 weeks in Botswana doing a public health class for his nursing degree. I can relate a bit to your blog.
    It is fun seeing how you were enjoying cooking the Mexican meal and loving the spring rolls. Food is very special when you are traveling in a foreign country. Pray to see things through God's eyes.
    your mom's friend, Lupe
