And it's over.
I finished editing our film literally ten minutes before we set out for the festival, around four this afternoon. The past few days are just a blur, but thankfully not a stressful one. There was never a moment where I felt like I just couldn't do it anymore, or couldn't get through to the other side; it was just a matter of pressing on. And now the festival is behind me, and our films were received well. We had a great turnout - the room was packed full, and after each film there were questions for everyone to discuss amongst themselves. One of the questions was, "Have you ever attempted to do something beyond your capabilities?" and the little boy I wrote about before, who was cast in one of the films, got up and said, "Once I tried to give my brother a bath!"
It feels so good to be done, but strange that it's over, and we've done what we set out to do. Tomorrow we'll go out for a few last adventures - and last Chinese food! - before it's time to pack for Sunday.
The Laurens. Coincidentally, we are roommates, and we both ended up as the directors of photography on our film crews. |
The film track girls! Rachel, Sarah, Lauren, Priscilla, and me. |
The door of the Sheraton Hotel. |
Our coffee ice cream with the sketchy prune. |
Today, shortly after we woke up, a pair of pigeons launched themselves at our balcony and scared my roommate very badly. About fifteen minutes later they returned peacefully, and very calmly walked into our room through the open window. I tried to get a picture of them inside, but they flew off. |
I took pictures from the top of the TK Building before the film festival. |
This is Epherem! He was on my film team helping me set up lights and move things around, and he was also on my team when we went out sharing our faith near the university campus. I don't think I've ever met anyone who loved talking about Jesus more than this guy. He could also make an extremely good silent film actor. |
Our hotel prepared a coffee ceremony for us when we got back tonight! She roasted the coffee beans right there. So good. |
That sketchy prune.